#thoughtfulthursday 49: Give without expectation

With Christmas coming up, many of us are spending lots of time planning, buying and wrapping gifts in the whirlwind of December. I can barely get into my spare room as it is so full of gifts waiting to be wrapped! When we give a present at this time of year, we often expect to receive one in return.

But real generosity happens when we give with no expectation of return. It can take many forms – giving in secret, giving of time, reaching out in kindness.

“Showing kindness without expecting anything in return is kindness in its purest form.” Jaime Thurston, Kindness: the little thing that matters most

In all the busy activity, pause and take a moment to notice the needs around you. Is there some way you can relieve a worry, meet a physical need, ease someone’s loneliness or just show that you care? Giving in this way is not about gifts wrapped up in a bow (although it could take this form. It is about being a blessing and showing love and kindness with no strings attached.

I can feel the excitement mounting in my house as each day another wrapped parcel appears under the tree in preparation for Christmas morning. But it fills me with more joy when my kids get involved in giving, whether that’s giving a secret gift, doing a kind act for someone or making a donation of their pocket money. I want them to learn that giving is more important than anything we might receive.

So whether or not you celebrate Christmas, take some time to consider ways to be kind and generous with no strings attached and no expectation of return.


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